Chemistry Tutors –Secondary School & JC Latest Syllabus
Chemistry tuition is important The MOE states that Chemistry exams will test students’ abilities to “ demonstrate knowledge and understanding in relation to scientific vocabulary, terminology, conventions (including symbols, quantities and units contained in. ‘ Signs, Symbols and Systematics 16–19 ’, Association for Science Education, 2000)” Almost all students go through this – some concepts in Chemistry start to get confusing because we have not been able to catch up with the teacher’s lessons in class. We go home, read and re-read the notes, the worksheets, and do some research on the internet after our classmates tell us on whatsapp chat that they too are feeling lost. We tried, took the exam, and then our Chemistry results are returned to us. Not a good grade. The Chemistry syllabus Many of the Chemistry concepts and principles are actually deeply and closely linked to the next. Others are completely disparate. To do well in Chemistry, students need teache...