Science Tutors Available – Latest MOE Syllabus
List of tutors who helped their students’ grades improve BOOST YOUR GRADES – WITH DEPENDABLE TUTORS Don’t take risks with tutors who scored B’s in their own exams – they might give you the wrong answers. Year after year, clients tell us that we are the most reliable home tuition agency team in Singapore. Success Tutors has established a strong reputation of having the ability to help students quickly score between 1 to 3 grade improvements within 1 semester. MOE REQUIREMENTS FOR SCIENCE EXAMS. AS STATED BY THE MOE: “Candidates should be able to: (b) show understanding that waves transfer energy without transferring matter (c) define speed, frequency, wavelength, period and amplitude (e) recall and apply the relationship velocity = frequency × wavelength to new situations or to solve related problems (f) compare transverse and longitudinal waves and give suitable examples of each” THE MOST RELIABLE PRIVATE TUTORS IN SINGA...