Chemistry, General Paper, Tamil language and tutors in other subjects needed

Largest tutor team, first choice of parents
Success Tutors has the largest active network of over 10,000 high quality tutors in Singapore, comprising MOE teachers, full time tutors, part time tutors, experienced university undergraduates, and university lecturers.

Instead of spending hours looking for assignments, we can quickly get you started in being a tutor. All you have to do is to state your requirements and preferences.

Our students are aged between 7 to 18 years old. Some of them are preparing for major exams. 

Profile of Chemistry tutor
Ms SN graduated from NUS with a Bachelor’s in Food Science and Technology (Merit) She has 4 years of Chemistry private tutoring experience and has taught at 2 tuition centres for 3 years.

We are very proud of the quality of tutors that we are able to attract and retain. Because our tutors receive so many assignments from us, they rarely want to register with other agencies.

Private tutor rates
Tutor rates range from $30/hour (undergraduates) to $100/hour (PhD-qualified).​ You set your own private tuition fees, and you use your own methods to teach and develop your students. 

We are seeking experienced tutors in Chemistry, General Paper and Tamil language. Please register with information on your tutoring experience, subject(s)/level(s) that you teach, contact details, and preferred teaching location(s).

Registration is at our website, and we look forward to hear from you.


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